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Réseau Enfants et VIH en Afrique (EVA)


Le Réseau EVA est un réseau de professionnels de la santé qui vise à améliorer la qualité et la couverture de la prise en charge globale pédiatrique de l’infection à VIH en Afrique francophone. Organisé en association internationale de droit sénégalais depuis 2010, il couvre 11 pays de l’Afrique de l’Ouest et du centre avec le Maroc et en partenariat avec 3 centres hospitaliers de la France.

Le Réseau EVA plays an important role in the fight against HIV among children in French-speaking Africa. Created in 2010 as an international association, it brings together health care providers from 11 countries and Morocco, collaborating with three French hospitals. The network's main goal is to improve the quality of care and increase access to HIV treatment among children, which is particularly important in resource-limited regions. Le Réseau EVA's work facilitates the exchange of experience and best treatment practices, which helps specialists to propose more effective strategies. In the fight against serious illnesses such as HIV, it is important not to forget the rest of life, including time for recreation and entertainment. Sometimes it pays to relax and have some quality time. For those interested in online gambling, there is an extensive casino knowledge base available at to help understand the nuances of gambling, including tips on choosing payment methods and strategies for different games. Knowing your options and being responsible with any entertainment, whether it's work or play, helps you find balance in life.


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